Saturday, 27 March 2010

Ten ways to beat the stealth taxes

There are ways to protect yourself from these stealth taxes and guard some of your income and assets from another raid on the middle class and wealthy.

This works if one partner is either not working (and therefore a non-taxpayer) or a basic-rate taxpayer, while the other partner is a high earner. So you switch income-bearing investments into the lower-rate payer's name so you avoid income tax at the highest rate. Such assets could be a share portfolio, buy-to-let investment or unit trusts.

The biggest savings will be made with a partner paying the new 50pc tax (on income above £150,000 a year) who has a non-working spouse. But it only applies to married couples.

The capital gains tax allowance per person is set at a relatively high level of £10,100 this tax year and many taxpayers fail to use this limit. For those who regularly fail to utilise the exemption, you can move assets that generate an income into capital growth investments instead. After all, why pay tax at 40pc or even 50pc when you can pay it at 18pc – the current CGT rate?

For those who have bulging share portfolios or have sold a large asset and used up their CGT allowance, make sure you use your spouse's allowance by transferring assets into their name.

One of the most efficient ways to claw back tax paid is a pension contribution. Any money you pay into your pension will automatically be topped up by 20pc by the Government. So every £80 you pump into your pension will be increased to £100.

And higher-rate taxpayers can claim back 40pc of pension contributions. Those caught by the 50pc tax rate will be able to claim back 50pc tax relief.

Not only does this become a very tax-efficient way to save, it can take a slice of your pre-tax salary away from the taxman. This could mean dropping down a tax bracket from higher to basic, or it could mean getting your personal allowances back.

The £6,475 personal allowance all working adults get before they start paying income tax will disappear on April 6 for those earning more than £100,000. But it will be eroded gradually, so you lose £1 of allowance for every £2 you earn above £100,000. So those earning £100,000 to £112,950 should try to move out of this bracket as, in effect, they're paying 62pc tax on this amount.

Anyone with income below £130,000 can make pension contributions of 100pc of their income. But above £130,000 and you are limited to making £20,000 a year contributions.

Tom Mcphail, a pensions expert at Hargreaves Lansdown, said: ''You could also use up the pensions allowance of your spouse and your children. You can put £3,600 into a pension for each of them. And they can claim back tax relief as well, even if they're not working.''

Naomi Smith, tax partner at accountants Grant Thornton, said: ''I would say to 50pc taxpayers who have children approaching university age to consider setting up a discretionary trust for their children. Up to £325,000 can be paid in without a lifetime inheritance tax charge, by each parent. The trust will pay tax at 50pc however, if the funds are distributed to the children to support them at university, the children will most likely be non-taxpayers, and can hence recover the full 50pc tax credit. This is far better than keeping the £325,000 invested in your estate and paying 50pc tax on the income.''

This does not work for young children, only those who have reached 18 with the parents continuing to support them.

Ms Smith said given the set-up costs involved – about £3,000 for solicitor and accountancy fees – only those planning on putting in assets of at least £200,000 should consider such a trust.

You have a £325,000 inheritance tax limit that you can combine with a married or civil partner to give you a total tax shelter of £650,000. You need to keep all your paperwork to make sure you are entitled to this nil rate band on the death of a partner.

Ms Smith said: ''This is particularly important if one partner dies a long while before the other. The surviving spouse has to prove what happened when their partner died and what inheritance tax liability they had. You will need to pull together all the paperwork yourself.''

If you want to get yourself out of a particular tax bracket or to lower your tax bill, you could make a pension contribution from your pre-tax income. This is the most popular form of salary sacrifice. For example, if you earn £100,000 and make a £20,000 pension contribution you will only pay income tax on £80,000. Other forms of salary sacrifice include health care and life insurance.

Not only is your income tax liability reduced, but so are your national insurance (NI) contributions. You pay NI at 11pc on any income between £5,721 and £43,875. This will go up to 12pc from April 6. Income above £43,875 will pay 1pc NI, which will go up to 2pc in the new tax year.

Speak to your employer about salary sacrifice and if you can pay more into the company pension scheme. Your employer will also save money by doing this as they will pay less NI on your income. Employers have to pay 12.8pc of your salary to the Government in NI contributions.

So a pension contribution will reduce your income and therefore the NI you pay, along with that of your employer, so everyone is a winner. You could ask your employer to pay some of the NI savings it makes into your pension instead.

Many investment bonds trigger what is known as a chargeable event and therefore an income tax liability. This is normally when the bond matures. You can normally take up to 5pc of your money out of the bond each year without paying tax. But when a chargeable happens you will typically pay income tax on any profits. Many bond investors think when they sell a bond it's liable for capital gains, but normally it triggers an income-tax liability. You can get around this by transferring the bond to your spouse before you cash it in, assuming they are taxed at a lower rate.

You can reduce the value of your estate for IHT purposes by giving some of it away to relatives. You can make gifts to your children and as long as you survive seven years after doing so, these gifts will not be liable for IHT. This is attractive if your estate is hovering above the £325,000 threshold.

But be aware this giving with ''warm hands'' means you are handing over your assets and will no longer have a legal claim on them.

Or you can give away up to £3,000 a year and if you die within seven years of the gift you will not be liable for IHT. There are also one-off situations where you can give away more with no future liability. For example if your child marries you can give £5,000 IHT-free.

Small gifts of up to £250 are allowed on special occasions such as birthdays and Christmas.

If you have already set up a discretionary trust for your children this will be liable for 50pc tax on any income its generates from April 6. Grant Thornton is finding lots of clients panicking and asking to wind up the trust. But its advice is not to be too hasty.

If you paid some of these funds out now to beneficiaries by April 5 you would avoid the new 50pc tax (although you are still liable for 40pc income tax) but the whole trust does not have to be wound up. If the trust does end up paying 50pc tax this can be recovered where the funds are distributed to a beneficiary who pays tax at a rate below 50pc.

There is more room for manoeuvre if you and your spouse have set yourself up as a company, when it comes to avoiding stealth taxes. You can stall payments of salaries and dividends and leave as much money in the company as possible until you need it.

But make sure you are set up as a company, not a partnership, as different rules apply. A partnership will pay tax at the highest rate of the partners on all profits whether they are taken or stored in the company. This could leave you open to a 50pc tax charge on profits you make. Inheritance tax is charged at 40pc for estates worth more than £325,000.

A couple can put allowances together so their estate has to be worth more than £650,000 before they pay IHT. The threshold will be frozen for four years, meaning about 650,000 more families will pay IHT.

Income tax starts becoming payable once earnings reach £6,475 if you are of working age. This limit rises to £9,490 for pensioners aged 65 to 74, and £9,640 for those aged 75 and older. The upper limit for the 20pc income tax band will stay at £37,400. Above this and you will pay 40pc tax.

And from April 6, once earnings exceed £150,000, there is the new tax band of 50pc.
--By Justin Harper

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